I was recently assigned to pick up the dog poop around our yard in preparation for our July 4th party. A dreadful task to most, I actually don't mind the task because of the love I have for my dog (I mean, just look at her).
This got me thinking about cleaning up other people's tootsie rolls. Which would be a dreadful task to me. And I assume to most others. There's just not much appealing in the smell and sight of something that has been in your body anywhere from 24 to 72 hours. And I don't know anyone who reacts positively to finding an unflushed toilet of "kakashka" (the Russians really captured the word in its essence).
As close as you are with any of your friends, you would never want to clean up their crap. So who else's crap do we willingly clean up?
Babies. We seem to be fine cleaning up their messes, so what changes?
So all this talk has led me to a conclusion. I need to soil myself. In so doing, I will find out if my mom's love for me is the same as it was when I was a little boy.
On a related note...I have always been amazed by dogs' ability to just go on command in the presence of people both known and unknown. I can barely go alone with the door locked in my own house. Put me in a public bathroom with people coming in and out, and I'll just pull my pants up and give it an hour before the urge goes away (very unhealthy but it works every time).
Don't even think about soiling yourself. I like the tootsie roll, kakashka, and you should never have it in there for 72 hours. I have a trick for going in public places. Imagine you're an ant and spend the time finding the best place in the stall to live and imagine living there. Takes the focus off what you're trying to expel and makes it come out effortlessly.