As I'm trying to figure out what to do with my life this summer, I'm going through the treacherous process of applying to internships. This week, a bunch of companies came to our school and made presentations about why we would want to work for them, and while I was sizing up the competition (kid in a suit with white socks? non-social Asians galore? yeah, I looked pretty good in comparison) I couldn't help but notice all these companies wanted us to work for them for free.
I don't know who came up with that idea, but it's a pretty terrible one. Even worse was whoever came up with the idea that students had to take a college course in conjunction with their internship. Now not only do I have dangerously low motivation while performing menial office tasks, but I have to waste 2 credits on it...instead of educating myself in the art of sailing, guitar playing, or any of the other 2 unit classes that will help me bolster my resume...with the ladies.
So not only are you not getting paid, but you're essentially paying to work and you have to write various papers about your internship experience for the class. How did you get that big of a shaft? that's what she said It is completely baffling how we got to this point.
And I've heard very disturbing rumors from my elders about the c word lately, so I could really use the money to save up before the teet runs dry. (definition of the c word - cut, as in cut off)
Many of the companies were saying they can't afford to pay interns because of the recession (even $8/hour? really? would that be making a killer dent?). Maybe it's payback/justified for our generation since we get our news, music, TV shows, etc. for free.
Still, on donut runs, I'd like to think "this job sucks" because I am a lowly pawn who gets no respect, instead of "this job sucks" because I'm being paid less than a sweat-shopper.
Still, on donut runs, I'd like to think "this job sucks" because I am a lowly pawn who gets no respect, instead of "this job sucks" because I'm being paid less than a sweat-shopper.
What's the difference between you and the non-social Asians? You think a non-social white guy has a better chance? What does the three-pronged symbol on your page mean?