This is my workout jam right now. By workout jam, I mean it's the song that helps me not quit as I do my measly 80 push-ups a day (2 sets of 40). I was doing 2 sets of 25, but then a strong friend ("strong" in the literal sense - it's safe to say he does more than 80 push-ups a day) recommended I add a push-up a day to that total. Well, 15 days later I maxed out at 40 and I've been there ever since.
But enough about my futile attempts to escape from this boyish body. This song is good for an actual workout - how can you not be inspired to press on when the chorus kicks in with those scratchy vocals?
My body tells me no
but I won't quit
'cause I want more
These guys are from Orange County, and if my limited watching of the TV show taught me anything, it's that this song is probably referring to sex instead of exercise, but at the moment I like it as a counter to Bruno Mars' "The Lazy Song".
Oh, and this performance is absolutely filthy. (I mean "filthy" in the positive sense, I don't know if I've mastered OC slang from my cousin yet).