I get that the church is trying to capitalize on the popularity of The Book of Mormon musical, but these ads are just misleading. Mormons just aren't this cool.
Nick, Mormons are that cool. How many men would grow their hair out and wear a wedding dress in public just to try and get concert tickets? Yeah, only a Mormon. Watch this video: http://www.colbertnation.com/the-colbert-report-videos/394360/august-10-2011/yaweh-or-no-way----mormons---god-s-poll-numbers?xrs=share_fb
Nick, Mormons are that cool. How many men would grow their hair out and wear a wedding dress in public just to try and get concert tickets? Yeah, only a Mormon. Watch this video: http://www.colbertnation.com/the-colbert-report-videos/394360/august-10-2011/yaweh-or-no-way----mormons---god-s-poll-numbers?xrs=share_fb