April 26, 2011

Baby You Can't Drive My Car

I always get hit up by mass emails from classmates who I do not know asking for notes from a class they missed.     I never send notes back because 

1) my 5-year-old laptop is down to 30 minutes of battery life so I'm a pen-and-paper guy 
2) I've also sent these emails out and never got anything in return

Maybe what I was lacking was a good story though.  This is from a girl in my "Classic Rock of the Sixties and Seventies" class and I can't tell if she's joking, stoned, or serious.  Either way it is pretty entertaining.

Hey guys, I really hate to do this but I was wondering if anyone could please send me their notes from today?  
This morning my mom called and told me she accidentally ran over our cat with her hummer. Listening to classic rock, made me think of all the good times I had with Mr. Paws McCartney III, and I couldnt bare the thought of sitting through class only to be constantly reminded of the time we listened to Nashville Skyline on repeat (he loved dylan's country side). 

April 16, 2011

Left at the Altar

It's been a rough week (by first-world standards, it's not like I'm dying of hunger or anything). Things that have happened:
  • I got rejected from my two dream internships
  • My favorite band (The Graduate) cancelled their second straight show here
  • One of my favorite bands (The Stills) broke up
  • I learned a girl I like is attracted to aggressive men
  • I'm losing another friend to marriage
  • My professor thought I told her to go f*ck herself (see two posts down)
  • My car battery died
The last one occurred at the most awkward time actually, right before I was heading that professor's class.  So I arrived 30 minutes late and she probably thought I was disrespecting her further.  Disaster.

Anyways, I had one thing to look forward to this week.  Coachella Music and Arts Festival.  I couldn't wait to release all this bad energy and fill my body with the good vibes that come from live music (and second-hand weed).  

The only issue was I didn't have a ticket.  Despite constant reminders from my roommate, I kept postponing buying them, since they took forever to sell out last year.  Well, this year they sold out in a week.

I found out shortly thereafter that one of my friend's classmates had bought tickets but they had to go on a mandatory field trip during that weekend so they'd gladly sell me them.  Unfortunately, this fell through when the trip became voluntary instead of mandatory.

Plan B.  There was a writing competition open to only USC students.  My stories get consistently praised in my fiction writing class so I submitted it in hopes of winning 2nd place ($500) or 1st place ($1000).  Unfortunately, I didn't win.

Now I was left to the black market - dirty, greasy scalpers.  The tickets, a $320 value, were going for around $500, which is over half of my savings.  Having been a scalper myself back in the day, I figured I could find a good deal.  I sent over 40 emails to Craigslist people.  Unfortunately, the responses I got were the following. 

1) no response 
2) a request to stop calling their # because their friends put it up there as a hoax telling people they had 20 tickets they wanted to move at face value right away 
3) a request to wire the money to an "account" in Great Britain (they had moved since they bought the tickets)

By this time, Coachella was a week away.  I was growing despondent, until our school made an announcement.  They had 10 Coachella tickets, and they were giving them away for FREE (!) to the 10 people in the craziest costumes.  Hope was restored!

I immediately began pondering costume ideas - an oxygen tank? Stilts? Headgear?  Then it came to me.

Cross-dressing is always a good bet, right?  Let me break this down:
  • The costume is loosely based around Ariel getting married from The Little Mermaid  
  • Wedding dress - paid $25 for it on Craigslist, drove 20 minutes to pick it up from a stoner who had inherited it from a storage shed he bought (look at that train!)  
  • Dyed hair - it's not particularly visible, but I'm supposed to be a ginger like her (it came out more pink - I feared people would think I was imitating P!nk, my least favorite pop artist)
  • Fishbowl - complete with two goldfish (Sebastian and Flounder) that I bought from Petsmart that day
  • Large fork - to brush my hair with
  • High heels - yeah, I went there
I even shaved my sideburns, so you could say I was in it to win it.  There were about 75 kids dressed up, but I liked my chances, especially after I made the judges laugh by telling them I was dressed up as the Disney heroine my father never let me be as a child at Halloween.  

They started announcing the winners, asking them to come up on stage, and after the first few, people began to boo because they were choosing people in the worst costumes - they were all dressed up in black with various lame accessories.  I started to panic, but my friend assured me they were playing a prank on these 10, since their costumes were so obviously bad.  When they called the 10th person on stage, they then told everyone to look behind them. As we turned around, a group of people on top of a building unfurled this flag

I didn't know what it meant, but then my friend said "Skull & Dagger" and I became sick to my stomach.  Skull & Dagger is a secret honor society made up of USC students that has pulled multiple pranks here (they once cellophane wrapped every bike rack on campus, with the bikes still intact).  This was their biggest (and cruelest) one yet.  You see, there were no actual tickets.  It was all a hoax.  We dressed up for nothing.

I was so blindsided.  I barely slept the night before because I so nervous about the contest (it was like I was actually getting married).  I had gone to such extreme lengths to secure this ticket that I wanted so bad, and it turned out I was a fool (and dressed like one as well).  I just was dumbfounded.  Out of all the plausible scenarios I had gone through in my head, this one had never crossed my mind.

I didn't think things could get worse until a flash mob started right in front of me. Our emotions could not have been on more opposite sides of the spectrum. After they finished, they approached me and another victim (he was wearing a banana suit) inviting us to their dance show.  They asked us to take the flyer, but the banana suit kid wouldn't take it because he "didn't know which events were real anymore".  My feelings exactly.

Once I got my legs working again, I high-heeled it back to my car in my dress (with catcalls of "I do!" from Latino men in cars), went home, and ordered pizza, and sat and ate staring blankly at the TV.  I was just so shell-shocked and spent that I couldn't bring myself to search for tickets further.  I think God had done enough to send me a message that I wasn't going to this.

Of course, the one seeming highlight of this was that I got quoted in the school paper.  But of course, keeping in line with my life being 10x more awkward than any average human being's, they quoted me as "Nick David" in the print edition.  

So instead of watching Arcade Fire perform songs from their Grammy-winning album, I'm going to spend the weekend growing back my sideburns and feeding these stupid anorexic goldfish that don't eat their food.

This is what I get for leaving my apartment.

April 15, 2011

Take that, Abercrombie

Accomplished a life goal today - tore a knee on a pair of my jeans.  The best part is it was all natural - a fall while skateboarding (yeah I just learned how to, I feel 10% cooler already).  Punk rock.

April 10, 2011

Only Thing I Know Is Awkward Silence

Since high school, I've carried around a certain stigma - that I'm awkward.  I mean, my nicknames in high school were Awk and Mormon, both of which are very awkward.

What people don't realize, however, is that the reason I'm so awkward is because I am subjected to more awkward situations than any other breathing entity that I know of.  

Case in point - this week, I received the following email from my professor.
I was hoping to catch you up after class to address an issue which disturbed me yesterday in class, but you fled before I had a chance to catch your attendance. 
I'm all for students bonding and for forming codes of communication within the class arena, and I have no objection to the private corner you and Christof have formed, but yesterday I couldn't help noticing you making a vulgar gesture (which you must have thought was private between the two of you) in response to a remark I made in class. The gesture (involving one's arm being slapped and raised at the elbow) is generally meant to communicate "F*** you", and I need to put you on notice that I, nor anyone else in the class, can tolerate that kind of behaviour. Really disappointed in you.
Unfortunately, this was her interpretation of me and this kid flexing our "muscles" (we are both skinny runts) while cupping our hands over them.  To prevent another awkward interpretation, our hands were on our muscles, not each other's.  

You see, though?  I encounter more of these types of situations than is healthy. And people wonder why I never want to leave the house.

April 1, 2011

April Fools

I have often been made a fool of on this day, mainly due to some deranged, twisted members of my family.  I myself am actually terrible at playing pranks on people - my last one, I tried to surprise a mission companion by hiding melted chocolate under his sheets, but he discovered it before he got into bed and got upset because he had just washed his sheets the day before. Here are some better pranks that have involved me in some way or another:
  • Age 2 - I was my parents' first child, and naturally adored, so when my mom woke my dad up April Fools morning at 3AM and told him I wasn't breathing, he literally leaped out of bed and ran to my room, freaking out for a few moments before my mom let him in on the joke, whereupon he collapsed onto the floor.
  • Age 11 - I owned a medieval sword that I had bought while we lived in Prague, and I hung it proudly on my wall. . April Fools morning, my mom came in to wake me up for school, but not before dropping the sword on the floor.  I was stirred awake by the sound, and looked down from my bunk bed to see my mom lying on the ground next to the sword, moaning and holding her hand over her eye.  I leaped out of bed much like my father nine years earlier and went to go comfort her before realizing I had been duped so I instead kicked her.  I hadn't even noticed the ketchup she used for her "bloodied" hand in it (she kind of goes all out).
  • Age 20 - I was in Russia on my mission and the emails I'd received from my sister made it sound like she was having a hard time at her new high school.  I was concerned for her, but I never felt more concern than her April Fools day email.  See for yourself below:
I have somthing to tell you. you have to promise you wont tell anyone. I havent told anyone yet. I dont know how to and i am so embarased. Im pregnant. I know its shocking. I can't belive I let myself do this but there was just this one boy and i really liked him and it only happend once. but once was enough i guess. i took a pregnancy test yesterday and it came out positive. im all alone and i dont know who i can tell. I dont know how to tell mom and dad or if i even should. :s help!! im freaking out. i hope you will understand and know that i didnt mean for this to happen. please pray for me and tell me what i should do about mom and dad!! there gunna kill me.  
i love you. 
Quite convincing, eh?  It's so raw that even now I'm not sure how she captured such an authentic tone (the writing only accounted for half of the effectiveness, however - the plausibility of this happening to the rebellious child of the family also made it very believable). I was about to hit reply and respond with something about how God still loves harlots when I noticed the date on the top of the email and let out a huge sigh of relief.  I've never been more scared for someone than I was during those 30 seconds.

To finish, I have to show one of my brother's favorite videos.  APRIL FOOLS! It's my favorite.

The Boys of Summer

It's baseball season again, which makes me very happy.  My dad and I have a lifelong goal to see a game in every ballpark, and this has stalled in recent years.  We hit a lot of the coast states, so now we're left with finding ways to find ourselves in Kansas City or Milwaukee.  So far this has been unsuccessful.  It doesn't help that we live in baseball-less Utah.

Baseball factors greatly into my post-retirement plans.  I want nothing more than to become an old-timer with season seats, eating peanuts, listening to my radio, and lecturing kids to get off their phones and appreciate the game.

I found the video below funny, but I feel it's probably not as funny to people without baseball knowledge.