August 2, 2011


My least favorite part of Mormon culture (2nd least favorite - the strange obsession with The Emperor's New Groove - it was the 4th most popular movie among BYU students on Facebook! Ahead of Aladdin, ahead of Toy Story, ahead of all superior Disney/Pixar movies. Completely undeserved - a peculiar people indeed) is the invention of ridiculous games that could only possibly be thought up from the lack of time spent drinking, having sex, and general debauchery.

Text I received last night: 

Hey just a reminder of FHE tonight at 6:30. We'll be playing water kickball and then having a marshmallow gun fight!

Kill me now.


  1. Amen dude. You know you're in real trouble when they start adding Jello to the made up games, for example Jello wrestling. At some sort of frat party or gentlemen's club it's kinky, at FHE it's just sad.

  2. I'd like to see what you could come up with, when you have no money, but have to entertain. Not easy.
