June 17, 2010

Can We Pretend That Airplanes Don't Suck

A while back I had a terrible experience with flying United and swore off flying them ever again. I managed to do so successfully until this week when my dad booked flights with "them". And I was reminded again why this airline blows. Not only did they cancel our flight, they rescheduled it for 10 hours later.

Why is it that airlines can get away with postponing/cancelling just hours before? Imagine you you and a friend agree to take their car on a road trip planned months in advance and then at the last minute cancels but lets you know they're available in 10 hours. You would smack that friend across the face.

Which is the reaction I had brewing inside me while all of this was happening. Except it was unclear where to vent this frustration. At the customer service representative on the phone? It's not really their fault, in fact they're trying to help you (albeit doing a crappy job, since we got on a flight earlier through our own research). The check-in people? They tend to bring out the worst in people with the bad news they have to relay, but the flight cancellation wasn't their fault either.

Yelling isn't enough though. Because they wasted hours of my time, there needs to be a way to waste hours of theirs. So all I could come up with was egging their front offices, which would require them to waste hours of their time just like they wasted mine. So next time I'm in Chicago, watch out.

And I won't be flying United to get there.


  1. ha, that's funny, because as I'm writing this Jake is stuck on the tarmac in Chicago waiting on a United flight. Something with the fuel....

  2. We'll have to go egg their headquarters together.
