August 26, 2010

The Switch

Sorry if you were expecting a post about Jennifer Aniston's latest terrible film.

The rival station to the big radio station here in LA is always playing clips of listeners claiming to have "made the switch" to this rival station.  They claim to never switch the station and listen to this station all day.

Who actually does that?  Are you telling me if commercials come on you're going to stick with that station despite the fact that the other station that plays the exact same type of music is not on commercial?  And where does radio station allegiance even come from?  I like NBC shows, but I'm not going to exclusively watch shows on that network and rob myself of enjoyment on other channels.

It seems stupid to me.  But then again, so does listening to the radio.

1 comment:

  1. I never really thought of that before. Now it doesn't make sense at all. You should call in!
